every time i make a major change to the site, i write a bit about it here!
website update #06: embedded guestbook
16 Jul 2023the most prominent change i can think of is the guestbook being embedded on my site now, instead of just taking you to an external link.
you can also maximise and minimise the text area in the textbox page now. sometimes, you just need a larger textbox that covers the page!
oh and i continued working on the music controls since last update till i got something i was happy with. it's worth it, i think.
website update #05: update tab
01 Jul 2023updates and stuff are no longer in the marquee of the home page, they now have their own little drawer menu. i figured those updates would not fit there because there are many more to come. as such, my home page has a slightly different look to it.
since the last update, the b-side of the jukebox is finished, and the music page has volume sliders, as well as a new song i made. the lookouts shrine and a shrine for myhouse.wad are also under way :3
website update #04: new new new! (oh, and shrines)
31 May 2023a lot has changed subtly over the past week or so :3
for starters, i have a page dedicated to shrines now! i'm making more every day, but for now, my purrgatory shrine is fully completed and up on that page. i make all of those with love and enthusiasm, so check them out when they're done!
new stuff has been added to some places, like new art and animation examples. the new links include a button gallery with some sites that inspire me or sites that i simply enjoy. some new songs on the b-side of the jukebox exist too. the last noteworthy detail is the new pagedoll i drew of my sona you'll see on the homepage. very cool
website update #03: table of contents, musical features on my site
25 May 2023you might have noticed the table of contents on most pages on my site. i made sure those scrolled smoothly to the middle of the screen, and not to the top where they'd be obscured by the header. i also made the 'back to top' button scroll smoothly.
besides that change, the music page uses play/pause buttons instead of the clunky audio controls now, and the jukebox has been repurposed to play audio in the page itself. the jukebox currently has an A-side and a B-side, with the B-side still being compiled. look forward to that!
website update #02.4: new layout
21 May 2023i kinda overhauled the whole layout! i took inspiration from others' sites, and i think i'm happy with what i have now. of course, it's a new layout so it's a bit buggy right now. i prioritised keeping the elements the same because i didn't feel like editing the html of every page, so i'd say this is a huge accomplishment. :3c
initial concept for the website layout
of course, that concludes this update! i haven't gotten the jukebox thing done yet, but expect to see it in the future, i guess.
website update #02.3: textbox, more minor tweaks
19 May 2023more landing page stuff! the jukebox link has been moved in with a textbox link. you'll find a new menu for whatever gizmos i decide to link on the landing page then.
i'm also sure you've noticed the blog has been expanded a bit :p
other than that, i've been making more minor adjustments, mainly to make my website make a little more sense. for instance, bloom.html is notably more transparent with its purpose now!
i've really wanted to get some other stuff done too — namely, making multiple playlists for the jukebox — but i guess i'm putting that off.
website update #02.2: layout tweaks, landing page, links page
16 May 2023the landing page is finished with a working file directory and jukebox! i played around with the basic layout of my website, fixing minor issues and making minor changes here and there. there's also a links page now! it has all sorts of links and stuff. this update is still ongoing, i think
website update #02.1: landing page
14 May 2023the home page and landing page are now seperate, a much needed improvement! the landing page gives you access to a jukebox and file directory, the latter of which currently doesn't work. all with cute assets drawn my yours truly!! this is an ongoing update, and i plan to add more stuff to my site soon.
website update #01: projects, blog, guestbook
06 May 2023hi y'all! i updated my neocities a little. this isn't the first update, but it's the first update which i get to write a blog post about!! i made myself a blog page and also a guestbook. if you'd like, you can sign it right now!!!
i also got to making project galleries for my projects (basically, my ocs). those pages are not done yet but im working on em
i wont write here often. stay fresh, cheese bags!
dream journal
my dreams are sometimes quite entertaining, and sometimes quite... uh. strange!
the crow and the goose
20 May 2023content warning for animal death, i guess
i remember seeing a crow sitting on a swingset. it saw me approach and tried to fly away, but its leg got caught up in the chain. i helped it out and gave it a little headpat and it eventually followed me around. because i was naturally excited to gain the trust of a crow, i took it to the park, where we sat by the pond. a goose started to attack it. i panicked, and before i could do anything, a person rode a bike over the fighting birds, plunging them into the lake. neither bird resurfaced. i shoved the cyclist into the lake too.
i remember everything getting really warped with a lot of skull imagery, especially at the end where i perpetuated the cycle of death. that's probably the main reason i woke up in a cold sweat.
other personal happenings, interesting things i wanna share, et cetera
blender, yume nikki
01 Jul 2023so, recently i've been getting the hang of the 3d software blender! it's good fun to model stuff in it, frankly. i've been spending a little time modelling whatever i can think of. admittedly blender was hard to use at first, and i was considering giving up. but some tutorials later, i was more and more confident of what i could do!

this is a room i modelled, rendered, and composited myself!
also, i'm currently playing yume nikki. it's strange, but endearing. the gameplay was disorienting at first, but the exploration started shifting from bothersome to exciting really quickly! i really like that there's no driving plot, other than collecting effects.
also im not really proud of myself for listening to this on loop.
not much else to say right now, i suppose, but that's been my life as of late! this has been quinn, signing off.
caw. caw? caw caw.
07 Jun 2023well long story short. i think i may have discovered something about myself.
birdgender. thats a thing now! and that is me. i dunno, bird-centric language makes me feel good. well, you've always known that about me! a set of xenopronouns i use are caw/cawself. my actual name (one of them) is corvid. so this was basically already a fact, no? i mean. i finally admitted this to myself and i am LIVING for it.
point being your identity doesnt have to make sense, it just has to do its one job: make you happy. and that's really nice, isn't it?
pizza tower toki pona REAL?!
13 May 2023just remembered there's a joke toki pona word for pizza. went wild with that information.