False Eyes

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About Us

False Eyes was founded in 2009 by Nimbus and Sparrow. Pitchfork, Nimbus' good friend asked to join, dragging Cascade along.
Here we are now, as False Eyes! Catch us at our upcoming gig this summer in June of 2014.

Our Members


Hey, my name is Nimbus. I started this band with Sparrow. I hope False Eyes flourishes forever, because there's nothing in the world I love more than spending time writing silly sings with my best friends.

Nimbus lives in New York City with their housemate, Sparrow. This ball of charisma came up with the whole concept of False Eyes, and they are the band's resident motivator.


Whats up, Im Pitchfork. You can call me Pitch, or if youre really feeling it, P. False Eyes is pretty radical.

Pitch lives in Sydney, Australia. Despite being far away, Pitch is a very important member of False Eyes, and he meets up with the rest regularly, anyway.